When working with individuals, especially those that have had a CV “done for them” they forget that this is the first part of the process of selling yourself, developing your first impression and introducing your personal brand.
Often, they forget this remains about people, even after the paper sift software has been navigated at some point your CV is going to end up in the hands of a real person. That somebody is going to start to make a judgement about you.
You therefore need to own it and you need to tell them what you want them to know about you.
Point 1 – What skills do you have and how do they relate to the role, software or no software this is important.
For illustration, many years ago I used to sell Satellite TV door to door. Whilst not personal skills, the process is the same when it comes to what I offer. The opening line of “do you like sport and movies” is because the vast majority of people will like one or the other and fundamentally that is what I have. If a child can be heard or opens the door, depending on the age, I am also offering children’s channels or education. Match what you offer to the requirement.
Point 2 – Nobody you meet wants your life story in the first five minutes they want to support that first impression with a little bit of detail that enables a better judgement regarding your fit for the opportunity.
Back on the door step, once I have established the fact that they like sport or movies, spongebob or sharks and they know that I have them! They don’t want to know how I got there, whether we are the largest provider of satellite TV in the country or how the technology works. They want to know what it means for them, what is the benefit or giving me 5 minutes of their time.
Point 3 – Remember, people surround themselves with people like themselves, so you are both trying to stand out whilst fitting in. Too much effort to stand out in areas that add no value can often be seen as hiding something else.
When the door opened, there was no singing, dancing, comedy routine or magic tricks. Just what was expected, polite, professional, appropriately attired, interaction focused on establishing a requirement and matching it to what I have to offer. There might be a favourite film, or sport discussion to build engagement but the objective from both sides became focused on moving things forward.
Understanding this is why PYP won’t do a CV or Linkedin Profile “for you” but will work with you to help you get yours right.
PYP are all about delivering value, making a difference and giving you that edge. We are very happy to work with you in creating a CV or LinkedIn profile, and we have had some amazing success on helping people through that initial sifting process.
Hear from from “Ollie”, where he talks about the importance of a CV and how we worked with him to change his mind set, approach and the success it created in a very short space of time.
When you need some support, please reach out and let PYP do what they do best, helping you achieve your goals and be successful.