Five Years From Now?

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

This is a question that is often dreaded and yet frequently asked of us in an interview situation. It is however something we rarely ask
ourselves when not under pressure!

Perhaps we know that life is ever changing and as a result know that we cannot plan that far ahead? When you look back five years would you have seen yourself where you are today?

The team at PYP can tell you that five years ago we didn’t see ourselves where we are today. That doesn’t mean that we didn’t have a plan, goals and objectives, it just means that life doesn’t always go to plan. You cannot be Blinded by Plan A. There is a
constant need to be flexible, adaptable, to continue to invest in yourself and have a positive approach to change, if you are going to achieve your potential.

It is however still important to plan and set goals and objectives and as a result continually ask yourself this question as it will help you on your journey through life. Setting goals can have many benefits, such as providing motivation, guiding your focus, establishing
accountability and giving you control of your future.

You might be close to where you want to be, or you may be well off, but that can still be in a positive way!


We therefore encourage goal setting and ask you as an action in the next week to set yourself three to five SMART personal, work, or business objectives. They don’t have to be aligned to your plan for the next five years but things that you can achieve in the next twelve months.

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